Quanto Basta
The Art of Just Enough
We love to eat! It’s pretty much our favourite thing to do.
So what’s a writer with 50+ years worth of family recipes and a photographer with kickass culinary prowess to do? Make a cookbook, of course! We’re serving up our premier cookbook, Quanto Basta: The Art of Just Enough, containing 58 traditional Italian recipes with 100 stunning photographs – and it’s 100% made in Canada, eh! The artful design and family anecdotes make it a perfect coffee table book for your guests to peruse while sipping Negronis (there’s a recipe for that too) as you prepare them a meal that would make Nonna proud. Satisfy your stomach and your soul with timeless recipes you’ll want to enjoy again and again with your loved ones — or spoil yourself with!

How to Order
Cost: $39.99 CDN per book. To place an order, send us an email (quantobastacookbook [@] gmail [dot] com) letting us know how many copies you would like and if they need to be delivered or you can pick them up. We accept cash and e-transfers, or we can arrange to send you an electronic invoice if you’d prefer to pay by credit card. Shipping fees are extra.