Creative Direction | Design | Production
You’ll Eat It & You’ll Like It

My client Stacey Green wrote a wonderful acknowledgement in the book for me, so I’ll let it speak for itself:
Joe: This book would literally not exist without you! I truly had no idea what I was getting myself into, but you came out of nowhere and made my visions a reality. Thank you for your creativity and your professionalism, and for choosing to be a part of this project even though you could have easily said no. I couldn’t be happier with the way this book has turned out, and it is because of you I look like I know what I’m doing when I absolutely do not!
For this project not only did I do the graphic design, I also managed the production end of it including working with the photographers and printer to make the printing process as smooth as possible.
Buy her book. Seriously. It’s funny and the recipes are great.